
Procurement Management

What‘s it about ?


The core topic is the future- and target oriented

analysis, evaluation and utilization of capacities

of different supply sources to secure or increase

the profit contribution of your product or project.


My services and roles 


Development of procurement strategies, creating

of commody flow -, supply chain - and make or buy

analysis as adviser, project manager or coach.

Support in the field of Design to cost as interim-


Evaluation of suitable procurement markets and

suppliers as adviser.


Supplier Management

What‘s it about ?


The main point is the requirement to ensure a

secure supply through an effective and cost-

optimized procurement.For that purpose it is

necessary to establish a powerful supplier network

and to adhere a competent relationship to these



My services and roles


Administration of the activities of the strategic

procurement marketing as adviser, projectmanager,

coach or interim-manager.

Supplier development (qualify, training on the job) as


Operate hand overs and audits.